Misty Perez

Potthoff Lab
Neuroscience & Pharmacology

Advisor: Matthew Potthoff, PhD


Le, T.D.V., Fathi, P., Watters, A.B., Ellis, B.J., Besing, G.K., Bozadjieva-Kramer, N., Perez, M.B., Sullivan, A.I., Rose, J.P., Baggio, L.L., Koehler, J., Brown, J.L., Bales, M.B., Nwaba, K.G., Campbell, J.E., Drucker, D.J., Potthoff, M.J., Seeley, R.J., & Ayala. J.E. Fibroblast growth factor-21 is required for weight loss induced by the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist liraglutide in male mice fed high carbohydrate diets. Molecular Metabolism. 2023 Jun;72:101718. DOI: 10.1016/j.molmet.2023.101718. Epub 2023 Apr 7. PMID: 37030441;

Flippo, K.H., Trammell, S.A.J., Gillum, M.P., Aklan, I., Perez, M.B., Yavuz, Y., Smith, N.K., Jensen-Cody, S.O., Zhou, B., Claflin, K.E., Beierschmitt, A., Fink-Jensen, A., Knop, F.K., Palmour, R.M., Grueter, B.A., Atasoy, D., & Potthoff, M.J. FGF21 suppresses alcohol consumption through an amygdalo-striatal circuit. Cell Metabolism. 2022 Feb 1;34(2):317-328.e6. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2021.12.024. PMID: 35108517; PMCID: PMC9093612.

Honors and Awards

  • CCOM Inclusive Excellence Fellowship
  • Graduate College Diversity Fellowship
  • OVPR DEI Supplement
  • Molecular Medicine Retreat Poster Presentation Award
Misty Perez
Whittier, CA
BA, Biology with Chemistry Minor, Whittier College