Articles from January 2022

2022.01 Potthoff Lab Publication in Molecular Metabolism

Congratulations to Kristin E. Claflin, PhD, Kyle H. Flippo, PhD, Andrew I. Sullivan; Meghan C. Naber; Bolu Zhou; Tate J. Neff, Sharon O. Jensen-Cody, PhD and Matthew J. Potthoff, PhD for their published article in Molecular Metabolism

Saturday, January 1, 2022
Kristin Claflin, PhD is an Assistant Research Scientist in the Potthoff Laboratory. Kyle H. Flippo, PhD is a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Potthoff Laboratory. Andrew Sullivan is a student in the Molecular Medicine PhD program and also a part of the Potthoff Laboratory. Meghan Naber is a Research Assistant in the Potthoff Laboratory. Bolu Zhou is a student in the Pharmacology PhD program and also a part of the Potthoff Laboratory. Tate Neff is a Graduate Student in the Cell and Developmental Biology Program and is a part of the Yang Laboratory. Sharon Jensen-Cody, PhD is a former student of the Molecular Medicine PhD program. Matt Potthoff is Director of the Molecular Medicine PhD program and Professor of Neuroscience and Pharmacology.