
2021.04.07 PereiraRenata-lab

Renata Pereira Alambert, PhD featured in Carver College of Medicine Article

Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Renata Pereira Alambert, PhD works hard using her background in science to support so many students in many different places. We are happy to have such an amazing individual on our faculty!
Grumbach, Isabella

Dr. Grumbach elected to prestigious cardiology group

Exciting news! Molecular Medicine faculty member Dr. Isabella Grumbach, MD, PhD was recently nominated and elected to the Association of University Cardiologists (AUC), a national organization for the country’s leaders in academic cardiology.
2021.03.11 marcinkiewcz_-_williams-cannon_faculty_fellowship

Congratulations to Dr. Marcinkiewcz on her Williams-Cannon Faculty Fellowship

Thursday, March 11, 2021
2021.02.22 Cody Poe

Cody Poe featured in The Daily Iowan article highlighting SACNAS - Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science.

Monday, February 22, 2021
New student organization aims to make STEM more inclusive to students of Hispanic, Native American descent